According to the Daily News, a Bronx mother was tragically killed by a close friend, but not without a fight. In a harrowing incident, the mother defended herself and her three young children from the attacker’s threats by using a hammer.
Pamela Smith, Webb’s mother, expressed her anguish from South Carolina, stating, “You took my child for no reason just because she asked you to leave her house. I didn’t expect this, and it’s so heartbreaking.”
Wilson, who is 46 years old, is facing charges of murder, manslaughter, and endangering the welfare of a child in connection with the violent incident that occurred inside the victim’s apartment on Macombs Road near Inwood Ave. in Highbridge at approximately 3:30 a.m. on December 6th.
“He’s someone she believed she could trust,” Smith, 51, expressed about the suspect. “To think that he would betray her like this – she considered him a friend. My grandchildren even referred to him as their uncle. He had stayed over at her place, and she had generously provided for him. He never should have done something like this to my daughter.”
She added, “My baby was such a wonderful girl. She had a caring nature and was a loving mother. She would do anything for her children. Her selflessness was evident in her willingness to help others in any way she could.
If someone was hungry, she would provide them with food. If they were thirsty, she would offer them a drink. And if someone was feeling down, she would always be there to brighten their day with a smile.”
According to a law enforcement source, there was an argument between the suspect and another individual in the second-floor apartment. The suspect was chased out but later returned and got into a heated disagreement with Webb, who is 38 years old.
Webb’s mother revealed to the Daily News that her daughter had asked the intoxicated Wilson to leave due to his loud and boisterous behavior.
According to Smith, a neighbor who was present that night, Webb was told to calm down by the woman because her children were sleeping. Smith shared a first-hand account, stating, “If he can’t calm down, he had to leave.”
When Wilson became agitated and declined to depart, a close friend of Webb’s, who was 46 years old, swiftly picked up Webb’s 4-year-old daughter and sought refuge in a nearby bedroom with Webb.
They promptly locked the door for safety, as recounted by the source. At the same time, the neighbor from upstairs, who happened to be visiting, hurried back to her place to retrieve her cell phone in order to dial 911.
Wilson began furiously pounding on the bedroom door, unleashing a terrifying threat to harm Webb’s other two children, who were just 4 and 2 years old.
According to the criminal complaint, Wilson allegedly swung his knife at the friend, injuring him in the leg while he was holding Webb’s young daughter. Wilson then fled the scene but was apprehended by the police later in the day.
Country Webb, who earned her nickname “Country,” first crossed paths with her alleged murderer approximately six years ago when she relocated from South Carolina to New York, according to Smith. Wilson would occasionally sleep on her couch, and he became known as “Uncle Rob” to Webb’s children.
Webb’s mother revealed that she had previously spoken to Wilson via FaceTime. During their conversation, Wilson assured her that he would take care of Webb and said, “You don’t have to worry about Country.”
“He would watch the kids for her when she needed to go to the grocery store or run errands. Whenever he was hungry, she made sure he had something to eat.
And when he needed a place to sleep, she always provided him with a comfortable spot,” Smith explained. “She was truly amazing to him. She showed him kindness and generosity even when he couldn’t take care of himself.”
“And then you go and treat her like this? Nobody deserves to be treated that way,” she exclaimed. “He didn’t have to do that to my daughter. My daughter has three children. She was my only child.”
Smith shared that after the murder, Webb’s oldest daughter was left with a heartbreaking question: “That’s our friend. Why’d he do that? He’s our uncle Rob. Why did Uncle Rob do that to my mom?”
According to Wilson’s lawyer, Javier Solano, his client told the police that he acted in self-defense.
Solano revealed that the person had suffered a blow to the head and required stitches. According to Solano, it is important to consider different perspectives as there may be more to the situation than meets the eye.
Natalie Washington, 64, fondly describes her son Wilson as someone who is always protective of her.
“I’m in disbelief. He isn’t a violent person,” she expressed. “Even when he drinks, he never really displays violence. That’s what I’m struggling to understand… He wouldn’t initiate a fight, but he would certainly defend himself.”
According to his mother, Wilson’s perspective on life was altered after he experienced a shooting incident in the early 2000s.
According to Washington, he would always go out of his way to help others. He was also loved by another woman and her children.
Webb, a stay-at-home mom, was devastated by the tragic loss of her half-brother, who was killed in a shooting incident. Just weeks later, she herself fell victim to a senseless act of violence. Nigel Phillips, aged 37, was fatally shot in a Gaffney, S.C. residence on November 8th.
“It was incredibly painful for her, as she couldn’t attend his funeral,” Smith explained. “She has been struggling ever since.”
Smith affectionately referred to her daughter as “Country,” emphasizing her strong religious beliefs and dedication to her children.
Smith fondly remembers her baby as a talented singer. She had a beautiful voice and would often perform at church and funerals. Not only was she gifted in singing, but she also had a knack for writing. Smith recalls how her baby would write poems for friends who had passed away, a testament to her artistic abilities and compassion.
During Webb’s childhood, she experienced a significant tragedy when her father was tragically shot and killed in Ohio when she was only 10 years old. Unfortunately, to this day, the case remains unsolved.
Webb had initially planned to visit her mother in South Carolina with her children, just before Christmas. However, due to unforeseen circumstances, her mother had to travel all the way from the Bronx to pick up Webb’s children and take them to stay with her.
Webb faced legal trouble for two violent incidents leading up to her death. One of these incidents occurred on June 1, when she was arrested for assaulting and stomping on a woman in her Bronx apartment building.
Webb’s mother asserted that her daughter had acted in self-defense, although the reason behind the incidents remains unclear. Smith clarified that these incidents were not connected to her daughter’s murder.
Webb faced charges of assault and harassment and was released without bail after both arrests. He was scheduled to appear in court on January 16 to address the charges.