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Michigan Man With Previous Hunting Violations Faces New Charges

The Michigan Department of Natural Resources has encountered yet another issue with a problematic hunter who has a track record of wildlife violations in Otsego County, MI.

Cecil Edward Day, a 59-year-old resident of Johannesburg, was brought before the Otsego County 87-A District Court on November 19th.

The defendant faces multiple charges, including being in possession of a firearm as a felon, having ammunition as a felon, carrying a firearm with a blood alcohol content over .08%, and not wearing hunter’s orange.

On November 18, Day was arrested at his residence following an anonymous tip provided to conservation officers. The tip included evidence of Day getting out of a vehicle with a rifle and shooting at a deer on private property.

Conservation officers also discovered two more deer that had been shot and abandoned in the vicinity. Among them was a magnificent nine-point trophy buck.

According to a news release, the DNR is actively pursuing additional deer poaching charges. The DNR stated that Day has prior convictions from 2018 to 2020.

He is currently staying at the Otsego County Jail and is awaiting a preliminary hearing.

Michigan is currently in the midst of its firearm deer season, which started on a specified date and will continue until November 30th.

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