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Florida produce grower linked to Salmonella outbreak in Oklahoma

In May, a nationwide salmonella outbreak occurred, which you may recall. The outbreak was linked to two produce growers in Florida who utilized untreated canal water to irrigate their cucumber crop. Oklahoma was one of the states affected by this unfortunate incident.

Using untreated water for crops may seem like a questionable practice, but it is actually quite common in many areas where our food is grown. Unfortunately, in this particular instance, the conditions were favorable for the water to become contaminated and pose a risk to people’s health.

It’s quite alarming to think that a single batch of cucumbers has caused nearly 500 people to fall ill, with a staggering 25% of them requiring hospitalization. The question that arises is: what are the chances of such an unfortunate event occurring?

This year has been filled with various outbreaks, making it quite an interesting  time. A range of illnesses, such as listeria, salmonella, and e. coli, have been linked to different sources, including walnuts and pet turtles.

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